Health Equity

Our City: A Peg Report on Health Equity

Peg is a community indicator system that measures the health of our Winnipeg community. It is led by two partnering organizations – the International Institute of Sustainable Development and the United Way of Winnipeg. This year, the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) has partnered with Peg to show how large gaps in health result from differences in social and economic circumstances. 

People sometimes think of health outcomes as a matter of an individual’s choice, yet we find that life circumstances profoundly affect opportunities for health. The circumstances that impact health like education, employment, housing and income are unequally distributed across our city. Equity, a new value in the WRHA 2016-2021 regional strategic plan, is about promoting conditions in which every person can achieve their full health potential.

The actions needed to close health gaps are not the sole responsibility of the health-care sector. It will take all of us working together. Supporting a change in dialogue is a key aspect of Health for All - WRHA’s integrated approach to weave health equity thinking and action into all decision-making and service provision.

The majority of the data used in the report is the same data as in the 2014 Community Health Assessment. The data can help call attention and further inspire collective action.

  • What strikes you about the data shared in the Peg report?
  • What types of solutions do you think are possible?
  • How can you use this information your day to day work? 

Click Here to download and read the report


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