Label Reading 101

With all the information available on eating well-balanced meals and snacks we need to be able to make the right choice in the grocery aisle.  When looking at a food label, it is important to know what the numbers and percentages mean.  In this workshop a, Registered Dietician will analyze food label information. 

You will also:

  • Learn about the nutrition information found on food labels including the: Nutrition Facts, the Ingredient List, Nutrition Claims and Health Claims
  • Learn to identify amounts of nutrients, calories, and serving sizes on Nutrition Facts labels
  • Learn to use the 5%-20% DV Guide to get LESS of some nutrients and get ENOUGH of others
  • Compare food labels to determine which foods contain higher or lower amounts of nutrients or calories

Participants will gain an understanding of how to make informed choices and become top notch detectives!


Workshop dates:
Click on site for specific workshop details;





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