A message from Arlene Wilgosh

November 20, 2013

This June, many of you took the time to complete the Aon Hewitt Employee Opinion survey.

In fact, about 41 percent of about 26,000 employees eligible to participate in the survey took time to respond. This was the first time in the history of the WRHA a survey of this nature was conducted region-wide, and the initial rate at which you responded was impressive.

I want to personally thank all of you for taking time to participate in this survey.

It is important for regional and site leadership to know from each of you what we're getting right and where we can make improvements in each of your various work environments. Quite simply, if we can make your work environment better, we want to know how because we need you to not only make the system work, but also make the system work better.

Regionally, your responses to the survey suggest many of you across many organizational units are engaged, which is good, but also that we have a lot of work to do to improve our overall engagement levels.

This comes at a time when regionally we are facing significant fiscal and economic challenges. Now that we have the survey information, regional and site leadership can work with you to identify and prioritize areas for improvement, and then develop strategies to improve things so our most valuable resource - you - is more actively engaged, healthy and productive despite the financial challenges we currently face.

Some of you will have already begun analyzing and communicating the survey results at your individual site. Some of you will not have heard anything yet about the results. We'll keep you posted on progress via Health Care Connection and www.wrha.mb.ca/survey. As always, keep a close eye on your site newsletters and bulletin boards for any site specific information.

Thank you for the contributions each you make every day! As always, if you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please talk to your manager or send me an email.



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