The numbers on engagement

Research shows:

  • when you're unhappy at work, your risk of heart attacks doubles
  • if you're dissatisfied at work, you have children who are more likely to misbehave
  • dissatisfied workers have less physical intimacy in their marriages
  • employees are eight times more likely to be engaged in their work when their employers make wellness a priority
  • root causes of disengagement: employee burnout and overwork, dispersed workforce, lack of strategy from company

When engagement is low, employees

  • feel unappreciated
  • are unmotivated and underperforming
  • experience low morale

The flip side of that coin? Highly engaged employees are 38 per cent more likely to have above-average productivity. Passionate employees are twice as likely (when compared with their disengaged colleagues) to become inspired and energized by unexpected challenges.

When an employee has an emotional commitment to the organization, they are more productive, give better service, take less sick time and even stay in jobs longer (without plans to look for other opportunities or to leave) . . . because they care.

Safety is enhanced - if you're engaged at work, you're five times less likely to have a safety incident and seven times less likely to lose time for a safety incident if you do have one.

Source: Kevin Kruse
Employee Engagement 2.0

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