

Engaged feedback

Leadership manifesto

Employee engagement: 72 small actions for big results

What can you do right now?

Recognize people for the work they're doing. And you don't need to be a manager to do that. Saying thank you. Appreciating the contribution a person makes…these elements take minimal time to do, often cost nothing but can have a far reaching impact.

In fact, US research shows a surprising two-thirds of people leave their role because they are not recognized. While about 40 per cent of people do not feel appreciated at work, a surprising 70 per cent of employees identified that they would work harder if they were better recognized. That's why it's recommended that successful managers recognize their employees weekly.

Here are resources to get you inspired to inspire those you work with:

Recognition in the workplace

Engage! How growth, recognition and trust generate massive emotional commitment

Power of empathy

The power of being vulnerable

Why managers are crucial to increasing engagement

Managing for sustainable employee engagement: Developing a behavioural framework

Good teamwork and bad teamwork

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