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Patient Flow

Patients entering the TiCC Service can expect the following process:

1. Initial Intake

  • The referral package is received by the TiCCS clinic. Required information is reviewed, which includes the completed referral form, recent lab work, and any additional investigations – see back of referral form for complete list of required information.
  • Patient is scheduled for their Intake visit with the primary care nurse (PCN), in order to complete a detailed health history and discuss current symptoms that may be attributed to tick-borne illness
  •  The nurse intake visit is usually booked within two weeks of receiving the initial consult/rereferral
  • The patient is asked to complete and return the health questionnaires prior to their visit, which will be reviewed by the PCN

2. Nurse Intake Visit

  • Occurs by telephone and can take from 45 minutes to one hour
  • After the nurse intake visit is completed, and it is determined that the patient meets clinic eligibility and would benefit from participation in the program, a visit will be scheduled with the TiCCS Specialist
  • The PCN will answer any questions about the TiCC Service, provide clinic contact information, and make the patient aware of available mental wellness resources
  • Patients are encouraged to continue seeing their primary care providers (PCPs)  while they await their visit with the TiCCS Specialist, as well as seek emergent care if needed for more serious health issues

3. Patient Assessment

  • The TiCCS Specialist meets with the patient for assessment and reviews the health history and current symptoms experienced. Visits are quite thorough and may take 45 minutes to one hour
  • On average, patients are seen by the TiCCS Specialist approximately 1-3 times, depending on their individual health needs and treatment plans
  • PCPs are notified of every TiCCS visit, and made aware of the health outcomes and treatment plans
  • The TiCCS Specialist may choose to present and discuss certain patients at the Multidisciplinary Specialists Rounds, which occurs virtually four times per year
  • The Multidisciplinary Specialists Rounds may include various specialists such as internal medicine, medical microbiology, infectious disease, rheumatology, neurology, psychology and other allied healthcare professionals
  • If a Patient has been chosen to be discussed, their Primary Care Providers will be  invited and encouraged to take part in discussion
  •  A written report of the outcome from the meeting will be shared with the PCP’s – whether or not they are able to attend

4. Multidisciplinary Specialist Rounds

  • Rounds are conducted virtually four times per year via Microsoft Teams
  • PCPs are invited to attend to discuss the more complex patients suspected of tick-borne illness
  • Consultation with multidisciplinary specialists allows for collaboration in the development of treatment options, with the potential for additional referrals and further investigations
  • When possible, any new referrals or investigations are expedited to try to minimize the patient’s waiting period

5. Completion of the TiCCS program

  • At completion of the TiCC Service, Patients and PCPs are both provided with an individual care plan. The care plan includes a list of medications, treatment options, lifestyle changes, dietary suggestions, naturopathic/alternative treatments and potentially any further recommended specialist referrals
  • Patients and PCPs may contact the TiCC Service as needed for support in the future, even after completion of the program
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