Day Hospital



  • Admission Criteria: Day Hospital/Clinic
  • Criteria for admission:
  • a) Age 65 or older
  • b) Live within the catchment area of the Day Hospital and/or be able to arrange private transportation to and from Day Hospital if there is a reason for attending out of catchment;
  • c) Generally require comprehensive multidomain assessment and goal based intervention
  • d) Willing to participate in a comprehensive assessment;
  • e) Client and/or substitute must consent to the referral
  • f) PCP should be aware and ideally in agreement if the geriatrician or geriatric psychiatrist is expected to be involved.
  • g) Require a rehabilitation program such as:
  • A short-term rehabilitative program in order to ease the transition from in-patient care to independent living; or
  • A short-term program geared to increasing an individual’s functional capacity and independence in the community;
  • Individuals in the community requiring a geriatric assessment and recommendations to assist other community agencies in caring for the individual. E.g. cognitive/psychological impairments affecting function
    Process for Referral:
    a) Referrals may originate from any health care professional including Primary Care Providers, home care case co-ordinators, Geriatric Program Assessment Team (GPAT), Geriatric Mental Health Team (GMHT), or from hospitals on patient discharge.
    b) Transition form from inpatient rehab teams must be included with referrals from inpatient units.
    c) Referral form must be completed in full (Form can be found on the WRHA Insite-Rehabilitation, Healthy Aging and Seniors Care Out-Patient Services website).
    d) Referrals should include current information regarding the presenting situation and the reasons for the referral. Also include medical diagnosis, past medical history, medications, relevant notes from Allied Health assessments. Recent laboratory work is appreciated. Additional information will be requested as needed and may delay intake until obtained.


Referrals can be made by health professionals involved in the client’s care, from community or from a facility/hospital.

The same referral form is used for all sites – the client’s address determines which site they attend (exception: francophone clients)