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City of Winnipeg (E.R.I.K. Kits)


Program Features:

An Emergency Response Information Kit (E.R.I.K.) can assist emergency responders in situations where a patient may not be able to communicate their conditions, medical history or allergies. It provides essential information so responders can provide the correct care in an emergency medical situation.

The kit is ideal for seniors, chronically ill persons, those who live alone or have caregivers, and those living with speech or language difficulties. Once completed, the kit should be placed on your fridge door, where emergency crews have been trained to look for it, ensuring it is readily available if needed.


No referral required.


Request an E.R.I.K. by connecting with your local senior resource council.

For more information about the contents of an E.R.I.K. please see:

City of Winnipeg – Emergency Response Information Kit (ERIK)