Boot Camp for New Managers
This full week program is open to new managers across the Winnipeg Health Region who would benefit from a peer-supported environment while leaning processes and skills that are critical for success as a healthcare manager. The program consists of workshops that are of benefit for all new managers at integrated facilities.
*Registration Criteria: Participants must be less than 12 months in their current management role and have supervisory responsibilities:
Leading Your Team
A Day in the Life of a Manager
Fostering Cultural Safety
Tools for Engagement
Attendance Support & Assistance Program
Building a Culture of Safety
The Art of Financial Management
Respectful Workplace for Managers
Duty to Accommodate
Progressive Discipline
Please go to the Learning Management System (LMS) for upcoming dates and to register.
If you have any questions or would like more information,
please contact
Brenda Hamer
[email protected]
Isabel M. Stewart Building
NA656-700 McDermot Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0T2