Online Registration Procedures
Our course registration is now on the Learning Management System. Please follow the steps below to access our courses and registration.
- To register for a course in the LMS:
- Go to http://sharedhealthmb.ca/health-providers/digitalhealth/lms
- Log in. If you are a new user, click on the link to create an account and follow the prompts.
- Select the Courses/Registration tab.
- In the Search Box in the upper right corner, search for OSD
- Click the Register button beside the workshop you wish to take.
- If you have any questions or issues with creating an account in the LMS please contact the Manitoba eHealth Service Desk at 204-940-8500.
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend the class you are registered for, please unregister online in the LMS or call the OSD Registration Desk at 204.787.1582. We often have waiting lists for courses, so we appreciate as much notice as possible when cancelling your attendance.
NB: OSD reserves the right to cancel a program due to insufficient registration or if the facilitator cannot fulfill his/her commitment. We realize that this can be inconvenient for registrants and will make every effort to provide as much advance notice as possible.
Thank you.
Organization & Staff Development
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 204-787-1582