Results Achieved Through "Agreements for Excellence" |
The following two reviews, conducted with WRHA teams and managers in 2006 and 2007, illustrate the positive results which can be achieved through the use of the Agreements for Excellence process within health sector teams.
In 2006, with the assistance of the “Centre for Education and Work” a study was undertaken to compile data on the changes achieved in some of the measurable “deliverables” that are tracked through the AFE process. The report, "A Review and Analysis of Measurable Outcomes and Team Results", summarizes the changes and improvements achieved by WRHA teams using AFE, demonstrating that participation in Agreements for Excellence has a measurable positive impact on teams’ operational performance.
Click here for an Executive Summary of the results reported in this Review and Analysis of Measurable Outcomes and Team Results
In 2007, through a telephone survey administered by an external research and survey firm, "PRA Inc.," managers of teams from across the WRHA which had used the AFE process were contacted to gather their feedback regarding their teams’ overall experience and its ongoing value. 93 % of managers found that the AFE process helped their team establish clear directions and plans to support enhanced team performance, and 96% would recommend using the program to others. To read more about the experiences of these health sector mangers and their teams.
Cclick here: “Results of a Survey of Managers – May 2007”