HSC New Employee Orientation

It is the policy of the Centre (Human Resource Policy 60.70.10) that all new staff, both full-time and part-time, attend the HSC New Employee Orientation by end of their probationary period. Advance registration is necessary.

All staff are required to attend Day One. The first day includes the PHIA Education session and is scheduled for Mondays from 0800-1600 hours.

  One-Day Registration

All Direct Patient Care staff are required to attend Day Two.

The second day augments the general information shared during the first day of orientation, to enhance safety and the quality of patient care by sharing consistent information common to all who are either providing care at the bedside, or who come in contact with patients during their day-to-day activities. Day two is scheduled for Tuesdays from 0800-1530 hours.

For staff required to attend both Day 1 and Day 2, please register by clicking on the link below. You do not need to register for Day One separately.

  Two-Day Registration

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