
The WRHA Regional Immunization Manual has been developed collaboratively with the input and approval of the WRHA Regional Immunization Committee with representation from the following programs:

  • Population and Public Health
  • Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health
  • Infection Prevention and Control
  • Primary Care
  • Home Care
  • Long Term Care (Personal Care Homes)

This manual houses guidelines for the safe and effective provision of immunization services/programs. These guidelines:

  • define and clarify recommended policies and procedures related to WRHA and provincially funded immunization programs;
  • enhance the efficiency, safety, and effectiveness of immunization programs;
  • provide standards for immunization competency;
  • ensure maintenance of vaccine potency and reduction of vaccine wastage;
  • provide guidelines for the management and reporting of adverse events, including anaphylaxis.

This manual was developed to support immunization practices throughout the Winnipeg Health Region and to provide staff with operational guidance to support practice at clinic sites. The manual is based on standards set out by the Public Health Agency of Canada, as well as Manitoba Health, and is not intended to replace these sources of information.
The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) has compiled this manual utilizing current sources and has made every effort to ensure that the information in the manual is correct at the time of printing/posting. This manual is intended for use by health professionals working for the WRHA and is not intended for distribution to the public.


The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority has a responsibility to provide immunization services and protect clients from vaccine preventable diseases.

“The impact of immunization on the health of the world’s people would be hard to exaggerate. With the exception of safe water, no other intervention, not even antibiotics, has had such a major effect on mortality reduction and population growth” (p1). Childhood immunization is one of the great success stories of public health.  Vaccines are safe and cost-effective, and they are crucial to public health by efficiently preventing sickness and death from infectious diseases. (Source:Plotkin, S. L., & Plotkin, S. A. (2004). A short history of vaccination. In S. A. Plotkin & W. A. Orenstein (Eds.), Vaccines (pp. 1–16). Philadelphia, PA: Elselvier.


The purpose of this manual is to:

  • define and clarify immunization competencies for health professionals;
  • define and clarify recommended policies and procedures related to immunization;
  • standardize immunization related practices across programs;
  • enhance the efficiency, safety and effectiveness of client services;
  • provide a collaborative approach to immunization between all regional programs and related agencies and providers responsible for immunization;

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