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Useful Links

Santé en français

The Government of Manitoba has granted to Santé en français (SEF) the status of official representative of the Francophone community in the areas of health and social services. SEF plays a leadership and coordination role to foster access to quality French language services (FLS) in the areas of health and social services.

Please note:  WRHA staff must respect all existing procedures regarding language testing, French training and translation.  All requests are to continue coming to WRHA French Language Services.

Are you looking for a French-speaking colleague or contact? Then check out the SEF Resource Persons Network.  Are you a French-speaking health care professional?  Then consider joining the Network.  The network offers links to professionals working in all aspects of the health care system, across the province.

Santé en français (Manitoba)

Société Santé en français
The Société Santé en français is the meeting point of 17 regional, provincial and Territorial networks working in concert with various partners interested in improving access to health care services in French in the provinces and territories where French is not the language spoken by the majority of the population.

Société Santé en français (National)

Consertium national de formation en santé

Le Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS), offers enhanced opportunities and expanded health education in French. CNFS works with 11 university and college establishments across Canada. It offers educational study programs in various health disciplines.


Société de la francophonie manitobaine

Services en français au Manitoba (Directory of Services in French)