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Dictionaries & Lexicons

The following three links are lexicons. Lexicons are not dictionaries, which provide definitions and multiple uses of terms. Lexicons represent vocabulary specific to a profession and the user must take care to use the words in the appropriate context.

(WRHA Lexicon terminology drawn from WRHA documents including but not limited to the following: Mental Health, Home Care, Long Term Care, Primary Care, Healthy Sexuality, Breast Health)

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TERMIUM Plus®, one of the largest terminology and linguistic data banks in the world, gives you access to millions of terms in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. You can find terms, abbreviations, definitions and usage examples in a wide range of specialized fields. The data bank is an essential tool for understanding an acronym, checking an official title, finding an equivalent in another language, and much more.

Interpretation Guide/Lexicon for Health Care Professionals

Seasons Vocabulary

Word search My emotions

Word search The Human Body

Office québécois de la langue française


Le Dictionnaire

Sens Agent

Le grand dictionnaire terminologique

Visual Dictionary

Words used to talk about aches and pain

Le conjugueur

English Expressions

Mango Languages (Available through Winnipeg Public Libraries)