Designated Bilingual or Francophone Facilities, Programs, Services and Agencies
Funded Sites
- Actionmarguerite Saint-Boniface
- Actionmarguerite Saint-Vital (Francophone site)
- Centre de santé Saint-Boniface (Francophone site)
- Centre Youville Centre
- Hôpital Saint-Boniface Hospital
- Sara Riel Inc.
- St. Amant
WRHA Corporate – Board of Directors and corporate (non-clinical) services
- Communications
- e.g. Public Affairs, Quality, Finance, Human Resources
WRHA Regional or Single Site Services
- Accès-Access Saint-Boniface
- Eye Care Centre of Excellence
- Health Links – Info Santé
- Long Term Care Access Centre
- Ode’imin (Birth Centre)
- Victoria General Hospital (Units: Urgent Care, Geriatric Rehabilitation, Subacute Care, Geriatric Mental Health)
My Health Team
- Community Offices (St. Boniface, St. Vital)
Public Health
- Community Offices (St. Boniface, St. Vital, Fort Garry, St. James Assiniboia, Downtown East)
- Healthy Sexuality and Harm Reduction
- Street Connections
- Travel Health Clinic
- Tropical Medicine Services
- Tuberculosis Prevention and Management
Home Care
- Community Offices (St. Boniface, St. Vital, Fort Garry)
- Hospital-Based Home Care (St. Boniface, St. Vital, Fort Garry)
- Palliative Care Program
- Self and Family Managed Care
Community Mental Health
- Community Offices (St. Boniface, St. Vital, Fort Garry, St. James Assiniboia, Downtown East)
- Regional Programs
Non-designated sites
For sites that are not designated bilingual documentation intended for the public should be available in both official languages (ex. discharge & consent forms…) and employees should know their site’s plan should someone request services in French. Phonetic resources are available to assist employees in providing an Active Offer. Please contact Francophone Health if you have questions or for copies of these resources at [email protected].
Active Offer phonetic tent card
- Community Agencies and WRHA Primary Care Sites (exception: Youville Centre, Birth Centre, Centre de santé Saint-Boniface)
- Community Mental Health Agencies (exception: Sara Riel Inc.)
- Misericordia Health Centre (exception: Eye Care Centre of Excellence)
- Community Offices (exception: St. Boniface, St. Vital, Fort Garry, St. James Assiniboia, Downtown East)
- Personal Care Homes (exception: ActionMarguerite)
- Concordia Hospital
- Riverview Health Centre
- Deer Lodge Centre
- Seven Oaks General Hospital
- Grace General Hospital
Sites Supported through Shared Health Francophone Health
- Breast Health Centre
- Children’s Hospital
- Crisis Response Centre
- Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre