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Injury Prevention

The injury prevention team works with public health staff, government and community groups to help prevent injuries in people of all ages living in Winnipeg. In Winnipeg, injury is the fourth leading cause of death for all age groups. Each year, 360 Winnipeg residents die and 5,100 are hospitalized due to injury (WRHA, Injury Report, 2014).  Using data from this report which covers injuries in Winnipeg Health Region between 2000 – 2010, we have created the Leading Causes of Injury-Related Hospitalization data chart and the Leading Causes of Injury Death chart.

Injury Prevention Framework, Logic Models & Backgrounders

In 2015, the injury prevention team went through a strategic planning process to develop a Strategic Framework and Program Monitoring Indicators for the program and created logic models and backgrounder for each priority area.

WRHA Staff Training

  • ONLINE TRAINING: in Home Environments: Promoting safety for clients and health care providers and in Introduction to Injury Prevention.

 Read IMPACT’s report on Activities, Partnerships and Programs

Contact Us:

(204) 940-8300
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