Ambulatory Care Nurse
Mental Health has been a passion of mine for a long time, so choosing Psychiatric Nursing as a field of study was both an easy decision and a great fit personally.
My role as an Ambulatory Care Nurse in the St. Boniface Hospital Mental Health Program allows me work closely with individuals on their unique paths towards recovery. I work with a variety of individuals, including those living with anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, obsessive –compulsive disorders, trauma disorders, substance-related disorders, personality disorders and psychotic disorders. Factors that contribute to mental illness are extremely complicated and layered with bio-psychosocial considerations.
Given that no two individuals will ever present with the same set of circumstances and response to treatment, I continue to learn and grow as a clinician every day, making my job both intensely challenging and rewarding.
Being a part of an individual’s recovery journey is a privilege and it is truly inspiring to witness a client step closer to mental wellness despite significant barriers someindividuals may have had to face.
For all of these reasons and more, I am grateful to have found such a rewarding and fulfilling area of nursing in which to pursue my career.