Social Media Best Practice
Social media is an important, pervasive tool in many workplaces and in our lives outside of the workplace. It offers us an instant, permanent presence online and can be an important tool for today’s professionals.
Make sure you use it wisely and in line with WRHA policies regarding audio-visual recordings and professional conduct and your licensing body’s guidelines. For more information, see the Canadian Association of Nurses position on ethical practice here: https://www.cna-aiic.ca/~/media/cna/page-content/pdf-en/ethics_in_practice_feb_2012_e.pdf?la=en .
Additionally, this year’s Juris Prudence for nurses offered by the College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba is “Pause Before You Post: Social Media Awareness.” All Registered Nurses in Manitoba are expected to complete this online resource by December 1, 2020. https://www.crnm.mb.ca/support/continuing-competency-program/jurisprudence