Marilyn Kazina
Registered Nurse, Home Care
What makes a nurse capable of excelling for nearly 50 years on the job? For veteran Home Care nurse Marilyn Kazina, the question has a simple answer: “I love it.”
Marilyn, who started her career with the Victorian Order of Nurses, has been working in the community as a Home Care Nurse since 1973. “The first four or five were on a full-time basis, after which I switched to part-time, casual,” she says. Over the ensuing 49 years, she says she has “done a lot and seen a lot of changes in nursing techniques,” but remains committed to what she calls the “basics” of nursing.
“If you are a devoted nurse, you should love what you are doing, no matter which clinical area of nursing you opt to pursue,” she says. “For me, Home Care allowed me to be out and in the community, and it’s been a great career.”
Some days, of course, were more challenging than others.
“There are times when you have to be tough. You’re going to meet people who aren’t going to be nice to you, and you have to be strong.” In those times, it pays not to be judgmental, she says.
“When you are in a client’s home, you have to be respectful. You can’t be judgmental. Instead, you have to remain focused on the job at hand.”
Teamwork is another key to long-term success.
“You have to have a good rapport with other nurses,” she says. “Communication between nurses is so important in health care.”
Given the length of her career, and the fact that it’s only now – after nearly five decades of service – that she’s considering retirement (perhaps as early as the end of this year), Marilyn’s colleagues are quick to applaud both her dedication and her skillset.
Team Manager Carole Arbez says that, “Marilyn provides excellent care and goes out of her way to make clients comfortable. She is always positive and upbeat and willing to help out when needed. Marilyn cares about her colleagues and her community. She is thoughtful and generous and takes time to connect with neighbors, friends and fellow nurses when they need help. I can’t think of a better role model for other nurses.”